What do machines repairing, old items refurbishing and renovation works of any kind require in the first place? Surface cleaning is the first step which has to be made, before proceeding to the next ones. Sand blasting is one of the best and most effective methods to remove all the impurities. And if it’s being carried out in a special device, it guarantees not only the highest quality and safety, but also saving our work and time.

Therefore, we carry out all the blast cleaning processes (sand blasting/ shot blasting, glass bead blasting, soding) using hydro sand-blasting machine SBM-170-12 H, which has the following facilities: conventional dry blast cleaning, hydro-sanding, soda blasting, pressurised washing and insufflation. It has also a cleaning degree up to SA-3.0, which means very deep and extensive corrosion cleaning.

The technologies that we offer vary depending on the type of abrasive we use and the surface we need to clean:

Sand Blasting

Sand blasting is the method of surface treatment by cleaning the tarnish, rust and old paint off the surface. It is carried out with a stream of compressed air or liquid that contains hard microparticles. This process allows to obtain a specific texture of materials and the surface shaping - as a result the surface is degreased, matt and rough at the same time - which means it is perfectly prepared to receive all kinds of preserving paints and coatings. This significantly increases the resistance to atmospheric conditions, the corrosion resistance.

Depending on the effects we want to obtain and the material we process, we use different types of abrasives:

  • cast-iron and steel abrasive
  • steel abrasive
  • cast iron abrasive
  • corundum


  • surface leveling
  • tarnish and corrosion removal
  • old paints removal
  • wood aging and decorative structure
  • brushing, grinding and washing replacement
  • matting and decoration of plastics, glass

Mostly used for:

  • steel
  • wood
  • glass
  • plastics
  • cast iron

Glass Bead Blasting

Type of surface abrasive blasting, containing microspheres, which have a properly selected diameter and fraction, depending on the expected effect. One of the main advantages of this process is a huge flexibility (it does not cause any erosive abrasion) so, it is perfect for processing fragile and delicate elements as well as elements with precise shapes.

Thanks to all of the above mentioned, this is the only process, which makes it possible for the surface to be visually unique. Its purpose is to restore the aesthetic appearance and give the selected surface the desired gloss, matt or even satin, not to mention the removal of all the damages and technological impurities.


  • obtaining a visually unique surface
  • restoration of aesthetic appearance
  • giving the surface gloss, matte or satin
  • removing any signs of damages
  • removal of technological impurities
  • przygotowanie powierzchni do lakierowania
  • surface preparation for varnishing
  • minimal elements abrasion
  • surface hardening

Mostly used for:

  • stainless steel
  • aluminum
  • non-ferrous alloys
  • bronze
  • decorative elements, e.g. of an antique nature
  • engine components


This is an innovative and universal method for removing dirt, varnish, paint and corrosion from surfaces using soda. It is a non-invasive method, which means that it does not cause any damages, such as scratches or roughness.

Soda is a fully biodegradable, non-toxic cleaner, which easily dissolves in water - this means safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness for our specialists, as well as for the natural environment, which is extremely important nowadays. This also allows to use soding in the food industry, for example to remove all kind of post-production pollution.


  • non-invasive - does not damage the cleaned surface, allows you to maintain the original structure of the elements
  • safety for the environment as well as for the operator
  • not only thoroughly cleanses, but also degreases the surface
  • the method is relatively low time consuming and at the same time effective and cheap
  • does not cause heating or freezing of the processed metal
  • perfectly prepares the surface for painting

Mostly used for:

  • brick
  • steel
  • copper
  • cast iron
  • aluminum
  • stone
  • wood

Works great in:

  • cleaning wooden, plastered, brick buildings
  • renovation of antiques, cars
  • graffitis removal
  • paving stones cleaning
  • tombstones cleaning
  • monuments cleaning

All prices are calculated individually so that our offer meets your requirements and expectations, therefore, please feel free to contact us via phone / email address or fill out the contact form.